Exhibition 2024
The 17th edition Printemps Des Artistes took place from May 24 to June 1, 2024 at the Lycée Sainte-Pulchérie in Istanbul. The year's theme was Lale - the Turkish tulip.
More than 500 visitors took advantage of the exhibition and 87 works were sold on this occasion for the benefit of the associations supported by the project.
We are expecting many of you for the 2025 edition!
Recep Çiftci settled in Paris with his family in 1975 and studied Philosophy and Art between 1980-1986. He graduated from the Fine Arts School in Reims (France) in 1989. After returning to Turkey in 2001, Recep Çiftçi continued his art studies and focused on the themes of creation and inner journey.
He describes this journey, which is the most important starting point of his art, as follows: “Truth is not something we can touch or grasp. We need to change our perspective. If we express every idea with a color, moving from idea to idea or producing a consistent thought is to create a harmony/harmony on the color scale. When we reach this harmony, we can sense the Truth.” Continuing his work in his workshop in Istanbul, the artist opened 9 international solo exhibitions and participated in many group exhibitions.